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December 10, 2008

Back to Nebraska

Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Nebraska time Current mood: chipper Category: Life
We went back to Nebraska for Thanksgiving. Honestly, once we arrived it was like I had never been gone. Not much had really changed in Lincoln - though I was glad that the O Street bridge was finally finished!!

Made sure that we ate at Runza one night since that is one of our favorite places that we don't have out in Kentucky! (We do have some favorites from here though - Penn Station, O'Charley's and Max and Erma's are all great!)

I was excited to finally get to see my nephew - he is so cute, facially he reminds me a lot of his sister. She is currently potty-trained so I got to take her to the potty a few times as well - definitely a new experience. Makes me wonder how that will go with Owen - maybe we'll start trying after January when we get back again.

Seeing my new nephew makes me want to have another one - I just don't know if this is the right time with it being my first year and all. But after what happened with Owen, who knows if I can have another one and even if I can, who knows how long it would take. All of you that know me well know that I am a planner and this is just something I don't get a lot of control of, which of course bugs me to death!

Went up to UNL to see some old profs and classmates of mine. It was kind of weird to see people in my office but it isn't like I expected to them to leave the room empty and create and altar for me!

Really enjoyed getting to see my best friend. They say you know you are really good friends when you get together after not seeing each other for a long time and it feels as though you just saw them yesterday. This is one friendship that has really stuck. She is looking for jobs this year - which are going to be really hard to find with the economy the way it is. I hope that she finds something that she will like, but of course I selfishly hope that the place is closer to me!
Getting together with the families was a bit difficult with a cranky 2-year old. We only got to stay for a couple of hours before we had to leave, but it was great seeing everyone. A couple of my cousins are graduating this year and am sorry that I won't get to be back to see them graduate. They have both grown up to me pretty admirable women - it will be interesting to see what they do next.

The drive home was okay for the most part. Owen started get a bit restless just outside the Indiana border - so we only had about 2-2.5 hours left at this point. We'll see how the drive goes by myself in a couple of weeks!!

1 comment:

  1. Just thought I'd be the first to comment...

    Glad to hear that your trip went well, looking forward to seeing you again in a few weeks!
