Quinnie's Birthday Countdown!

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

December 31, 2011

The Choice: Working Mom

I have a blogging friend who became a stay-at-home-mom soon after her son was born.  Her and I have talked some and I believe that we are both tired of peopling judging the choice that we made (as well as other choices that we make as mothers).  Every family, child, situation is different and no one else has the right to tell a mother (or anyone for that matter) that they are a poor one because of some choice that they made.

Yesterday, she shared her choice of becoming a SAHM.  Today, here is mine for choosing to be a working mom.  So first, some back story:

In fall of 2005, I was in my 4th year of grad school.  My husband and I had been married for a bit more than 3 years at this time.  One of the reasons I considered not going on for my PhD was wanting to have children sooner rather than later.  I began looking at classes for the next semester and realized I only had one more class to take (then just working on my thesis).  So, if I were to have a baby soon, I would at least be done with my classes.  I also believed that I could finish up my thesis fine with having a child.  Finally, we had heard of so many couples taken a lot of time to get pregnant, so we figured, the sooner we started "trying" the better.  So, my husband and I actually started to "not prevent" in November of 2005.  I found out in early January 2006 that I was in deed pregnant already!  We were due in mid-September.

When I had my son, Owen, I was very lucky to be at the university that I was.  I was only teaching one class (at night) and they were able to give me maternity leave for 6 weeks (I actually went back in 4 weeks due to students having problems!).  My husband got home from work in time for me to go to my 2 day-a-week class.  In November, I found out that I was going to have to teach 2 classes (3 days a week) during the day for the spring semester to keep my assistantship.  So I started looking for a daycare.  We were able to find a very nice in-home daycare who charged us $1.50/hour, so we didn't have to worry too much about the cost!

Now to be honest, I don't know how much of a "choice" it was for me to be a working mom.  And by that I am not talking about feeling forced into working to keep my assistantship.  What I mean is that I never really considered the alternative of being a SAHM.  Whenever I pictured my future, I was working and had kids.  I got to see what being a SAHM would be like that first 4 months of Owen's life, and it wasn't a negative experience by any means.  I cherished every moment, as well as every moment after that.  I know that one of the things I want to teach my children is to follow your dreams and that you are capable of anything you set your mind to.  I believed this myself - why can't I have it all?  A great career and a great family.  I believe that I have both and plan to work hard to keep it that way.

I think that any family that goes through the decision process will always look at pros and cons.  So I have compiled my list of those from my perspective.

  • I get to have my identity that is separate from "mommy."
  • My children light up when they see me come home (or pick them up)
  • My children get lots of social experiences.
  • My children get to learn from people specifically trained in early-childhood education (I was trained in secondary education)
  • We all get to tell each other about our day.
  • I have people built in to help me when one of my children is struggling (another opinion, set of eyes, etc has been great to have with Quinn)
  • Extra income

  • A lot less time with them during the week.
  • Other people may see the "milestones" before me :(
  • Mommy guilt - feeling that I shouldn't need "me" time since I'm already away from the kids so much!
  • Feeling "judged" by other Mommys for not staying home.
  • Trying to find the balance.
  • Having to worry more about what you are going to do when the  children are sick.

I'm sure there are some other pros/cons out there for working moms - others of you feel free to add to these pros and cons!

But again, most important - each family is different and needs to make the decision that is best for their family!

    December 30, 2011

    The Choice: Stay at Home Mom (Guest Post)

    Today's guest post comes from a friend of mine, Branson. We were friends in high school but became even closer when we were pregnant together-she had her son a few weeks before I had Quinn. Here she is going to share how she made the choice to be a stay-at-home-mom and tomorrow I'll share my decision. Enjoy!

    When Jackie asked me to write a post about my decision to become a stay-at-home mom, I thought it would be an easy post. I feel like this is what I was meant to do, and can't imagine things any other way. But then I sat down to really think about it, and I remember that it hasn't always been this way. It is easy to see things as simple now that I have been at this gig for over a year, but the truth is that the decision to take that leap of faith into one income is one that was not made lightly. In fact, I remember writing a new blog post every week announcing my decision to stay home... then go back... then stay home... then go back. Anyone who remembers that period probably laughs at me saying now that I knew it was the right choice. But I did... eventually.

    Having a baby is something that my husband and I had all but given up on. When I got pregnant, I had just started a brand new job that I was super excited about. I had big goals, and big dreams, and at that point there was no doubt in my mind that none of that was going to change. I told anyone who would listen how I planned to work until I went into labor, and then keep my maternity leave to a minimum. I was incredibly excited to be having a child, but didn't think of myself as a "baby person" and thought I could see myself being a working mom for sure.

    Fast forward to my second trimester. I was miserably sick far past when everyone had told me I would start to feel better. Work was nearly impossible, with having to run to the bathroom over and over. Then I was diagnosed with mild gestational diabetes, and my blood pressure started to get out of control. At that point I was placed on modified bedrest, and took a leave of absence from work. I was still convinced I would go back, though, and I did. I started feeling better, and returned to work after about a month. I loved my job as much as ever, and wanted to keep my goals of advancement on the "fast track". I definitely did not get to work until I went into labor. Instead I ended up going back on leave so that I could keep up with by-weekly monitoring of the baby and my bed rest. When they decided to induce me 3 weeks early, and then I ended up having a c-section, it seemed like my plan was starting to slip away. 

    We had made all the arrangements for me to go back to work. We had moved Matt's brother in with us to care for Aiden while we were at work. We had my Mom ready to jump in if needed. What we had not counted on is what motherhood would really be like for me. In spite of some struggles with depression, I was head over heels in love with my little boy. As it turned out, I was indeed a baby person after all. I felt complete when he was with me, and everything about this perfect, tiny person was amazing. So, on that first day back to work I felt like my heart was breaking. Everyone told me it was normal... that it would be okay. Then the first day of heartbreak turned into weeks of uncontrollable sobbing every time I got in the car. It wasn't getting any better. 

    They gave me another leave of absence, for more bonding time. Then they gave me a part time schedule. That job gave me everything I asked to try to keep me. However, in the end the only thing I really wanted was to be home with my son. I had waited so many years to become a mother. I felt like I had finally been given this gift that had once seemed like just a fantasy... and I wanted to fully receive it. So, here I am. I am now  content being "just a mom". Sometimes I miss working, often I miss adult interaction, and yes I still dream about having a career someday. I know that work will always be there, though. What won't last are these precious days of babyhood. 

    I am now more interested in soaking up every moment with my son. I am excited about the fact that he is growing and learning and I don't have to hear about it from anyone else. We have had to make sacrafices. Living on one income is not easy. We don't get to travel as much as we would like, we only have one vehicle, we buy our clothes and toys at consignment stores instead of the malls, and there are times when we wonder where the money for unexpected expenses will come from. But you know what? We are also learning more and more to trust that God will provide... and he always does. That was never more apparent than when my husband recently lost his job. Going from a one-income family to a no-income family was scary, but we were blessed with incredible support and a quick resolution.

    There is no one choice that will fit every lifestyle, or every family. I can only do what is best for my own family, and I feel incredibly blessed to be able to make that choice and follow through without regrets. Having the faith to take that leap, and the courage to follow my dream of being a stay-at-home mama, is exactly the kind of example I want to set for my son. I want to see him follow his dreams, and know that no matter what they are, they are worth fighting for.


    Branson is the wife of a super-tall guy with a huge heart, a mama to one very sweet little mop-top boy, and an aunt to many. That's her day job! Sheis  a child of God, and a stubborn one at that, who is constantly re-learning the amazing promises that my Heavenly Father has laid out for her. She is a photography enthusiast, who loves capturing the beauty of creation with her camera. You can find her blogging about motherhood, faith, photography, and more over at My Reflection of Something. She also runs the weekly Edit Me Challenge and can be found tweeting up a storm.

    December 29, 2011

    Working Mom - part I

    My friend, Branson, asked me to write a guest post for her about being a working Mom.  So, to read about this, please stop by her blog:  My Reflection of Something

    December 26, 2011

    Outfit of the Week

    I know spring is a ways away, but just because it is winter doesn't mean that we can't bring in some awesome colors!

    Top:  Old Navy Woman's Floral Print Chiffon Blouse - current price:  $32.94

    Pants:  Lee (R) Jeans, Women's Plain Front Pant - current price at JcPenney:  $27.99

    Shoes:  Michael Antonio Love Me Patent Pumps in marigold - current price at DSW:  $39.95


    Ring:  Mudd Silver-Tone Floral Filigree Ring - current price:  $7.80


    December 24, 2011

    The Night Before Christmas

    'Twas the night before Christmas, and the kids are a sight
    So happy, so cute on this beautiful night. 
    The presents are wrapped and ready to go
    Yet the kids exclaim - "please, just one more show?"
    Mommy says "yes" with a twinkle in her eye
    Thinking to herself about how much time has gone by.
    The kids are growing up, just way too fast
    I would do about anything to make this time last.
    So we sit down together and Frosty is on
    But we all know what will happen at dawn.
    Santa will come if all year we've been "good"
    Owen's written many times to make sure Santa's understood
    We put Santa out some milk and a big cookie
    But then we remember - oh yeah, Sookie
    If we leave it out will that cat leave it be?
    We put it on the mantle where Santa will see.
    Take Owen to bed and give him great big kiss.
    Then do the same with Quinn, his lil' sis
    When I look at my kids I have no doubt,
    They will learn and remember what this season's about!

    via shutterstock.com

    December 23, 2011

    Favorite Ornaments 2011

    So since this is one of the first years that we have had some unique ornaments (i.e. - not just colored/sparkly balls), I thought I'd show you a few of our new additions and/ or favorites!

    Owen made this one at Northpointe ("regular" kindergarten) this year! 

    This is one that I got from my mother-in-law and father-in-law

    This is one that Owen made at Little Red this year!

    This is one that Owen made for Grandma Eydie and Grandpa Fred this year (if you are already seeing this, act surprised :)  )

    This is one that Brandon and I got when we were married...over 9 years ago!

     This is one that Owen made for "Owen" at Winter Wonderland

    This is the one the Quinnie "made" at daycare for us this year - isn't she darling!?!

    This is one that I painted many years ago but Owen loves it as it is Santa and it is a crescent shape!

    This is one that we got as a gift for Quinnie's first Christmas!

    Hard to believe that Christmas is only 2 days away!!  Looking forward to Santa's visit :)

    December 22, 2011

    Quinnie Update

    For all of those parents out there who get to take their child to the doctor and are told that "everything is looking good" - you are so lucky.  Right now, that is all I want for Christmas.  I want to take Quinnie to the doctor and be told she looks great and is doing well.  That is all!

    Last week at our visit, it wasn't all good news.  This time the doctor was concerned about the lack of speech development in Quinnie.  She then referred us to have Quinn's hearing tested to make sure that it was not hindering her development. 

    So yesterday, we had an audiology appointment.  She first put something in both of her ears which I later was told does not actually assess hearing itself, but assesses how sound is bounces off of her eardrums.  Then we went into a booth that had speakers on a couple of different sides with sponge bob or minnie mouse lights.  The doctor would then have different types of sounds coming from the speakers to see if Quinn would turn her head toward the sound.  After all of this, we sat down to talk about the results.

    Great news - she is hearing within "normal" range!  Bad news - sound wasn't "bouncing" off her eardrums properly which means that she has middle ear fluid.  Supposedly, this can cause temporary hearing loss.  The problem about this - we don't know how long it has been there.  That is - has it been there since her one ear infection in March or did she just develop it with the cold that she currently has?  So, the doctor will send her report to Quinn's pediatrican and we will go from there.

    Possible remedies that I investigated -
    1. Observation - watch and wait and have this test done again in 3 to 6 months.
    2. Antibiotic that should speed up the length of time it may take to go away on its own.
    3. Ear tubes :(
    We are also looking into Quinn getting some extra help with speech development too.

    I know that in the scope of things, this is not a "big deal."  However, I can't help but feel like "what am I doing wrong?"

    December 21, 2011

    Random Christmas Entertainment Trivia

    We all know you can google the answers - but you are on your honor system!  Highlight to view answer!

    What is the name of the little girl on Frosty the Snowman?

    Answer:  Karen

    What is the name of the elf that wants to be a dentist on Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer?

    Answer:  Hermie

    What did the Dad win as his prize in The Christmas Story?

    Answer:  Fishnet Leg Lamp

    What is the name of the little girl reindeer on Rudolph?

    Answer:  Clarice

    What is the name of the little boy on The Santa Clause?

    Answer:  Charlie

    Who plays Martha May in the Grinch?

    Answer:  Christine Baranski

    What toy did Neil get from Santa Claus that he wanted when he was little during The Santa Clause?

    Answer:  Weenie Whistle

    In Home Alone, where was the family going on vacation?

    Answer:  Paris

    In The Christmas story, what is Ralphie's little brother's name?

    Answer:  Randy

    Finally - if you got all of the gifts in the Twelve Days of Christmas, how many gifts would you get?

    Answer:  364

    December 20, 2011

    Moments that make me smile

    This past few weeks, although I have been very busy at work with the end of the semester drawing to a close, I have been noticing some of the more simple things in life and boy have some of them made me smile!

    Lately, Quinnie has been very much of a Mommy's girl and follows me almost anywhere - to the laundry room, into the bathroom, working in the kitchen.  The other day she was "helping" me with the dishes and when she came over, she had carried her shoes over on her hands.  To make me chuckle even more, she threw them onto the bottom rack of the dishwasher!  I told her that they weren't dirty and gave them back to her, then she took them back to the "pile of shoes."

    Owen had a school Christmas program last week.  They came out wearing Santa hats and reindeer shirts that they had made.  The sang lots of songs including Owen's Twelve Days of Christmas.  He kept his eyes on me most of the time.  Once it was over, I get to meet his "bff" - McKenzie.   In addition, I met his mother who told me that whenever she picks McKenzie up, she has to give Owen a hug before she goes :)

    Finally, on Friday Owen had an eye doctor appointment (no news is good news!).  After I got done scheduling his next appointment in June, we were getting ready to leave.  Owen looked at the receptionist and said "Bye - Merry Christmas."  This made me smile so much as sometimes I forget to say this to people now as I'm afraid of "offending" them.  I don't like to just say "Happy Holidays" so I got in the habit of telling my students to "enjoy your break."  But after seeing my son's sweetness and the delight on the receptionist's face, I don't think people should be offended when you are wishing them pleasantries!

    What is making you smile right now?

    December 19, 2011

    Outfit of the Week

    Today's outfit is something nice and comfy to travel in!  Enjoy!

    Top:  Old Navy Women's 3/4-Sleeve Graphic Tee - current price:  $16.94

    Jeans:  Old Navy Women's The Flirt Boot-Cut Jean in Tamarisk - current price:  $29.50


    Hoodie:  Old Navy Women's L.A. Logo Hoodie - current price:  $20.00

    Shoes:  Old Navy Women's Jersey Sneakers in yellow - current price:  $16.00


    December 18, 2011

    Peanut Butter Bars

    Today's recipe I got from a middle school friend's Mom and I hadn't even thought about it since I was 16 until just this week!  I emailed my Mom and asked her if she remembered a recipe that had a yellow cake-like bottom, topped with peanut butter and chocolate.  She found it for me and sent it to me!  I like this as it is not that sweet compared to so many things this time of year.  Enjoy!

    Peanut Butter Bars
    4 eggs
    1 tsp vanilla
    1 3/4 cups sugar
    2 cups flour
    2 T melted butter
    2 T oil
    1 cup milk
    1 tsp baking powder
    12 oz chocolate chips
    Peanut butter

    Beat sugar, oil, butter. Mix in milk.  Add eggs, one at a time. Add remaining ingredients (except peanut butter and chip) and mix.

    Bake in greased jelly roll pan (I believe it's a 10 x 15) at 350 for 20 minutes. As soon as removed from oven, spread on peanut butter to melt. Chill. Melt chips and spread over. Refridgerate 10 minutes. Line cut the chocolate. Refridgerate until serving.

    Christmas Cookie Countdown

    December 17, 2011

    Chocolate Mint Fudge

    Today on my friend's Christmas Cookie Countdown:  Soft Gingersnaps.

    I am going to share a recipe that gets gobbled up (just made a batch for a party that was gone in under hour!) Easy Chocolate Mint Fudge!

    This is a recipe I tried for the first time this year - basically took my peanut butter fudge recipe and edited it a little :)

    3 cups sugar
    12 T oleo
    2/3 cup evaporated milk
    1 jar (7 oz) marshmallow creme
    1 t peppermint extract
    10 oz bag of dark chocolate mint chips

    Bring sugar, oleo and evaporated milk to a boil and continuing boiling for 4 minutes, stirring constantly.

    Remove from heat and add peppermint extract, 1 jar marshmellow creme (7 oz size) and 10 oz bag of dark chocolate mint chips.  Mix well and spread into buttered 9 x 13 pan.

    Makes 3 lbs of fudge

    Christmas Cookie Countdown

    December 16, 2011

    Kool-Aid Cookies

    Today I'm doing a co-host for my friend's Christmas Cookie Countdown - she has lot of great treats!

    I decided to share something different - although it is not a true "Christmas Cookie," these are a lot of fun to make with the kids and you can change colors/flavors to meet holidays.  So, around Christmas, I make green (lime) and red (black cherry) - what are they?  Kool-Aid Cookies!


    1/2 cup oleo
    1 egg
    1 cup sugar
    2 1/4 cups flour
    2 1/2 tsp baking powder
    1/4 tsp salt
    1/2 cup milk
    1/2 tsp unsweetened koolaid  (use 1 1/2 tsp if making grape)


    1.  Cream together oleo, sugar and egg.
    2.  Add milk and mix.
    3.  Stir in dry indregients and mix well. (I add the Koolaid last to insure that in mixes well).
    4.  Drop by teaspoonfuls on lightly greased cookie sheet.
    5.  Bake at 375 for 10-12 minutes (until bottom is lightly brown).
    6.  Cool; then frost with powdered sugar frosting with 1/2 tsp Koolaid mixed in.

    Makes approx 3 dozen, depending on size.

    Christmas Cookie Countdown

    December 15, 2011

    Gingerbread Cookies

    Today on Branson's Christmas Cookie Countdown:  Marshmallow Holly Treats

    Today I've posted a recipe that I first tried last year - gingerbread cookies.  I have liked these cookies for awhile, but it was never on the list of cookies to make with my Mom - we already had a lot of cookies on our list. In addition, this cookie is not one that all love (including my hubby!)  Owen helped me with stirring, cutting and frosting the cookies - how did we do?



    • 1 cup confectioners' sugar, sifted
    • 1 to 2 tablespoons milk
    • Food coloring, as desired


    Using an electric mixer at low speed, cream the sugar and butter until thoroughly combined. Add the eggs and molasses and mix until combined. Sift together the flour, ginger, baking soda, cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt. Add the dry ingredients to the butter mixture and combine with a spoon or spatula.
    Remove the dough from the bowl and wrap in plastic wrap; place in the refrigerator until firm, about 1 hour.

    Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.

    Line cookie sheets with parchment paper. Allow the dough to sit at room temperature for about 15 minutes, until pliable. Take about 1/2 cup of dough at a time and roll onto a floured board until about 1/8-inch thick. Cut out with gingerbread boy and girl cookie cutters. You can re-roll the scraps. Using a spatula, transfer the cookies from the board to the prepared cookie sheets.

    Bake for 10 minutes, until just beginning to brown at the edges. Transfer to wire racks to cool.
    To make the icing, combine the confectioners' sugar and milk. Divide the mixture into thirds; leave 1/3 white, and color 1/3 green and the final third red. Decorate piping eyes, mouths, buttons, and bow ties.
    Christmas Cookie Countdown

    December 14, 2011

    Peanut Butter Kiss Cookies

    Go check out my friend's recipe for Rum Balls.

    Today I'm going to share a recipe similar to the one that my Mom and I make together.  I know that this is not the same recipe she uses as I'm pretty sure her's only has brown sugar (no white sugar) and no milk.  However, I like this recipe as the peanut butter cookie is less of a pain (not as crumbly). 

    Adapted from Hersheys.com

    • 48 HERSHEY'S KISSES Brand Milk Chocolates
    • 1/2 cup shortening
    • 3/4 cup Creamy Peanut Butter
    • 1/3 cup granulated sugar
    • 1/3 cup packed light brown sugar
    • 1 egg
    • 2 tablespoons milk
    • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    • 1-1/2 cups all-purpose flour
    • 1 teaspoon baking soda
    • 1/2 teaspoon salt


    1. Heat oven to 375°F. Remove wrappers from chocolates.     
    2. Beat shortening and peanut butter in large bowl until well blended. Add 1/3 cup granulated sugar and brown sugar; beat until fluffy. Add egg, milk and vanilla; beat well. Stir together flour, baking soda and salt; gradually beat into peanut butter mixture.
    3. Shape dough into 1-inch balls.  Place in mini muffin pan.  
    4. Bake 8 to 10 minutes or until lightly browned. Immediately press a chocolate into center of each  cookie; cookie will crack around edges. Remove from pan to wire rack. Cool completely.
    5. I usually place them in the freezer for about 15-20 minutes to harden up the chocolate so that I can stack these cookies!  (Thanks for this tip Mom!)

    About 4 dozen cookies.

    Christmas Cookie Countdown

    December 13, 2011

    Peanut Butter Fudge (CCC)

    Today my friend has posted Oreo Balls!
    I am going to share a recipe that gets gobbled up (just made a batch for a party that was gone in under hour!)  Easy Peanut Butter Fudge!

    This is adapted from a recipe I got from my Mom, so I'm unsure of the origination of it, but pretty sure it came from a jar of Kraft Marshmallow Creme!

    3 cups sugar
    12 T oleo
    2/3 cup evaporated milk
    1 jar (7 oz) marshmallow creme
    1 t vanilla
    1 cup peanut butter
    Bring sugar, oleo and evaporated milk to a boil and continuing boiling for 4 minutes, stirring constantly.

    Remove from heat and add 1 tsp vanilla, 1 jar marshmellow creme (7 oz size) and 1
    cup peanut butter. Mix well and spread into buttered 9 x 13 pan.

    Makes 3 lbs of fudge   

    Christmas Cookie Countdown

    Quinn is 18 months!

    My Quinnie is growing up and making strides everyday.  She may not be a "normal" child, but who is!  She is walking around now and eating herself, I couldn't ask for much more.

    She loves to eat bread more than anything else - well, and currently has a sweet tooth for Mommy's different fudges!  She still has some problems with chewing meat, but otherwise, doing pretty good with food.  Working on introducing a spoon to her more now that she is (finally) independently eating.

    Last week she had her first dentist check-up.  She wasn't exactly fond of the dentist, but I want her to get used to this early so that, hopefully, she will have less anxiety about it as she gets older.  She has a lot of teeth already (12 pretty well in and about 2 more working their way in!)

    She loves stacking blocks and flipping through books.  In addition, she loves to follow Mommy as she does housework (hopefully that keeps up!)

    Current stats:
    Height:  31.25 inches (38th percentile)
    Weight:  20 lbs 2oz (3rd percentile)
    Head Circumference:  18.5 inches (63rd percentile)
    Clothing size:  24 months/2T tops, 18 month bottoms (needs them for the length!)
    Diaper size:  Just moved her into size 4 although it appears they are a bit too big

    December 12, 2011

    Iced Oatmeal Applesauce Cookies (CCC)

    Today my friend has posted some Peanut Butter Cup Cookies.

    The next recipe that I'm sharing is another from Martha Stewart's Cookie Cookbook - Iced Oatmeal-Applesauce Cookies.  These are full of oatmeal, raisins and apples, so at least on the healthier side when it comes to cookies!  I have taken these to school parties (for the kids and for my students) and they have been a hit!


    4 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
    1 cup packed light-brown sugar
    1/2 cup granulated sugar
    1 large egg
    1/2 cup chunky-style applesauce
    1 1/2 cups old-fashioned rolled oats
    1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
    1/2 teaspoon baking soda
    1/4 teaspoon baking powder
    1/4 teaspoon coarse salt
    1 cup golden raisins
    1 3/4 cups confectioners' sugar
    3 tablespoons pure maple syrup


    1.Make cookies: Preheat oven to 350. Put butter and sugars in the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment. Mix on low speed until combined. Add egg and applesauce, mix until well blended, 2 to 3 minutes. Mix in oats, flour, baking soda, baking powder, and salt. Mix in raisins.

    2.Using a 1 1/2-inch ice cream scoop, drop dough onto baking sheets lined with parchment paper, spacing 2 inches apart. Bake cookies until golden and just set, 13 to 15 minutes. Let cool on sheets 5 minutes. Transfer cookies to a wire rack set over parchment paper; let cool completely.

    3.Make icing: Whisk confectioners' sugar, syrup, and 3 tablespoons water until smooth. Drizzle over cookies, let set.

    via marthastewart.com

    Christmas Cookie Countdown

    Outfit of the Week

    Want to look together without looking like you are trying too hard?  This outfit is for you!

    Shirt:  Old Navy Women's Pintucked Satin Blouse - current price:  $32.94.  (Also currently has 30% off with code HOLIDAY)

    Pants:  Old Navy Women's Cuffed Khakis - current price $34.94 (again, currently 30% off code - HOLIDAY).

    Shoes:  Sofft Rieta Patent Pumps - current price:  $69.95 at DSW.


    Purse:  BB Charlotte Satchel - current price:  $69.95 at DSW

    Hope you enjoy!

    December 11, 2011

    Surprise (Andes) Cookies

    Christmas Cookie Countdown - friend has posted Cranberry Orange Delights!

    I have decided to share one of  my favorite recipes I got through a recipe exchange we did as graduate students - Surprise Cookies! -what is better than a cookie that has an Andes mint inside? 


    • 1 cup butter, softened
    • 1 cup sugar
    • 1/2 cup packed brown sugar
    • 2 eggs
    • 1 teaspoon Spice Islands® pure vanilla extract
    • 3 cups all-purpose flour
    • 1 teaspoon baking powder
    • 1/2 teaspoon salt
    • 65 mint Andes candies


    • In a bowl, cream butter and sugars. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Beat in vanilla. Combine the flour, baking powder and salt; gradually add to creamed mixture. Cover and refrigerate for 2 hours or until easy to handle.
    • With floured hands, shape a tablespoonful of dough around 42 candies, forming rectangular cookies. Place 2 in. apart on greased baking sheets.
    • Bake at 375° for 10-12 minutes or until edges are golden brown. Remove to wire racks to cool. In a microwave or saucepan, melt the remaining candies; drizzle over cookies. Yield: 3-1/2 dozen.

    via tasteofhome.com

    Christmas Cookie Countdown