Quinnie's Birthday Countdown!

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

June 3, 2011

My Terrible, Horrible, No Good Very Bad Day

Ah, the summer session had just started and I had just moved offices to a new building.  As I now teach at 7:30am, I do not have time to go to my office first and then move buildings to go teach.  So I take everything I need for the next day home with me.  This meant that on Tuesday night, I brought home all my notes, activity packets and activity materials (dice) for one of my classes.

Wednesday at 6 came too quickly.  I got up, got myself ready.  Got Quinnie up, got Owen up, got Quinn fed and packed up the car.  Got Quinn dresses and off we went.  As I arrive at the daycare to drop the kiddos off, I send a text to the hubby to ensure he didn't fall back asleep, which he didn't.  At 7:18 exaclty, I put my car in park at school and then it dawns on me - I forgot my backpack that has all of my notes, all of my activity material at home, 25 minutes away (one way).  There is no option of going back. 

Honestly, not having the notes, wasn't so bad - I would be able to remember those if I had a student handout in front of me - I just need to print one off.  So I get into a friend's office and print off a copy to the printer, that is now in the dean of business' office suite (math's old department suite).  I put my key in the door - and guess what, they've changed the lock!  Now my only option is to project the notes so that I can see them while I'm teaching (which means I get to tell the students what is going on). 

I get to class at about 7:28 and log in to the computer.  I go to grab a piece of chalk to write the "question of the day" on the board - and guess what - not a piece of chalk to be found!  So I unlock the door next door to mine, and no chalk.  Next room, no chalk.  Finally on room 3 I find a piece of chalk!

While the students are working on their question, I email a colleague who finds me dice for my next class so that I can still do teh activity.  All by 7:40.  Talk about a stressful 22 minutes!

On top of this, when class is done, I'm about a day behind in my first class and the technology issues that the class is having is compounding.  When I get back to my office, I spend about an hour dealing with those issues, have to give a final to my independent study students (who end up taking the exams on random furniture that has been left by the elevators).  Then I have to re-write two quizzes for my two classes for Thursday (since they are on my flash drive in my backpack at home...) make copies.  Then I have two students stop by for some questions...wow look at that, by this time it is about 5:00.  I go home and throw myself a pity party (that my hubby is nice enough to listen to).

I hope that the rest of the summer goes much more smoothly!

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