I was reading a blog that I typically read about how great her baby slept. She got tons of questions about how they were able to do that, so she posted what worked for them. Granted she mentioned that everyone is different and all, but here is partly my experience and opinion.
Owen was a great baby. He started sleeping through the night (at least 8 hours) at 3 months! We didn't really ever rock him and he slept in his bed from day one (just as she did with her boy). Man, this worked out well I thought. Got him on a schedule and all was great.
When I came home with Quinn, we put her on a schedule too. We followed the eat, play, sleep of BabyWise. She slept in her own bed/crib as well. She didn't consistently sleep through the night until 5 months. She takes relatively inconsistent naps (even though her feeding and play schedule are pretty consistent).
My point - I did everything with her that I did with Owen and yet Quinn still wakes up once most nights needing a bit of comfort even though she can put herself to sleep. Every child (no matter how much we may try as parents) can be different and we need to learn to adapt to that as well.
This is so true! The only expert on your baby is your baby, hehe! A is a good sleeper (when he is not teething) and we broke every rule along the way, lol! We coslept, he still eats and naps on demand, I rock him all the time... But he also sleeps 9-12 hours a night in his own crib without any mid-night soothing. I know my on-demand methods would not work if I wasn't a sahm, but it works for us. :)