O., B. and I went to Ikea together today. The boys had never been there before and they were probably a bit suprised by how big it was. I, personally, find way too many things that I want! A lot of things I think will be nice to have once the kiddos are older and I have to worry less about them all getting broken. The main part of the trip was getting dressers.
We needed to either get a dresser for the new baby, or one for O. However, we decided to get them each one and taken O's little dresser and put it in the guest room so now our guests will have a place to put some stuff! We got baby this dresser, O's is the same in a ash color.
I also got some drawer organizers for baby since all of her stuff will be so small it may be nice to have it a bit more organized right now!
We did buy one additional thing - I have been wanting a shelf type unit for the master for our towels, but was having a hard time finding something that would work, look nice and wasn't way too expensive. While we were there we found this:
At first we were unsure if we could fit this into our cars as it wasn't needing near as much assembly as our dressers, but with some adjustment and my backseat going down, we got it!
Hopefully next week we will look into paint for the baby's room. Not sure yet if we will do two shades of purple or purple on the top half with green (maybe pink) on the bottom. But I have found one border that I like so far to put between that wasn't near as pricey as the rest:
What do you think? Both color wise and border?
That border is darling! I wish we could paint here! I am having Matt paint some canvases instead with characters from the nursery set to hang on the walls =)